Thursday, November 18, 2010

WOD - 20101119

Tabata Torture

Tabata Pull Ups
Tabata Hanging L Holds
Tabata Push Ups
Tabata Handstand Holds

Eight cycles of 20 seconds holding and 10 seconds rest for each exercise then move to the next exercise on the last 10 second break.  The workout should be a total of 15:50

Followed by -

300 Double Unders for time

i'll be at the Hardstand at 0600 and 1700.  Post reps of worst round for pull ups and push ups, total number of completed holds (held for full 20 seconds), and DUs time to comments.

Awesome WOD, don't be a cherry picker :-)


  1. pullups- 6
    pushups- 5
    one 20 second hold for handstands

    DU's 8:54

  2. Nice workout. Didn't keep time just happy to finish those dang 'ol double unders!

  3. Pull 9, Hang 1, Push 7, Hand 3/4 ;-)

    DU 17:20
