Friday, December 17, 2010

WOD - 20101218

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Meet at the new place at 1000.  I'll give you warm up when you get there.  Post time to comments

It's great news about the ANSI accreditation.  One of the main reasons the fitness center fights formalizing classes is the accreditation.  Now that CF is third party accredited, we may gain some traction getting officially backed by the base...keep you fingers crossed...3-2-1-GO!


  1. 20:16, 55 lbs (no PR but went up 20 lbs in weight)

  2. It was actually 53 lbs.

    A HUGE thanks to Matt for the awesome CrossFit Mildenhall banner. It rocks!!

  3. 20:05 - 66 lbs

    Awesome sign!!! Thanks Matt!!

  4. 26:07

    guesstimated on the meters and
    I couldn't go very heavy since I couldn't drop it. Yeah, excuses.

  5. 20:03, 66 pounds, and frozen feet on the run. Ben made me do the last 15 straight, so I was able to catch up on time.

    Thanks for the AWESOME sign! And see you all in January when we get back from the States.
