Saturday, June 25, 2011

WOD - 20110626

Clean and Jerk, 1RM

Take 30 minutes to find your 1RM Clean and Jerk.

Followed by -

AMRAP in 3 minutes of -

5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups

Meet at CFMHQ at 1600.  Post C&J weight and rounds/reps to comments.


  1. Won't make it today as have just said goodbye to my sister and am feeling very sad:(

  2. 80lb C&J

    AMRAP 3+4

    How is it I think I can jerk more than I can clean?

  3. C&J: 227 lbs
    AMRAP: 7 rounds + 7 reps

  4. Nick said...

    C&J: 205 - failed 225 multiple times

    Thanks Tony and Chief for the pointers!

    AMRAP: 7 rounds (minus 2 pushups after the buzzer)
