Monday, September 26, 2011

WOD - 20110927

....and the fun continues!!

Row 500m/Run 400M
10-15 mins of MWOD stretching, Join Ben's pain cave...


For Time:

60 Box Jumps 20"
40 Air Squats
20 T2B
100m Bear Crawl
40 Sit-ups
60m walking lunge OH 45#/25# bumper plate

0600 - Doors open at 0545
1630 - May be there earlier

Post time and comments...we cannot legally force you to do this, but it is "highly encouraged"


  1. AsRx 17:56

    My shoulder gave me a ton of trouble on the HSPU's, otherwise great WOD!!!

  2. 22:30 - jumped on stacked weights (stepped a few), leg lifts for T2B and reg push ups. Great WOD - harder than I expected. We've had some great WODs lately and I just want to say thanks - you guys ROCK!!!!

  3. 20:15 with modified exercises - stepping on a box instead of jumps, no situps, leg lifts for T2B, shortened bear-walks and lunges.

    Great workout - I'm looking forward to being able to do ALL the exercises properly.

  4. 21:30- I wish I would have started with the box jumps to get them out of the way. They killed me at the end! Did leg lift for T2B, and rested the 25lb bar on my head a few time w/ the lunges(cheating I know). Hopefully in the near future I won't need to modify so much. Good workout :)

  5. Tony Said,

    15:41 I did HSPU with feet on box.

    Starting from the bottom, did not make it any easier...the oil on the floor created a good little obstacle

  6. 18:05

    GRRRRR...That Bear crawl sucked!

  7. 13:15
    I did knees to elbows the last 5 of my T2B, regular pushups and Crystal like you, that weight came down to my head a couple of times. It just kept falling there no matter how hard I tried! :) and I think my lunges were weak sauce. but i still loved the WOD!

  8. I ended up doing this at RAFL. 15:36 used 2 abmats for HSPU. Much harder than it looked!

  9. I think my time was 17 something it's up on the board in the box.

  10. 11:3..something as Rx'd

    That was a fun chipper.

  11. 19:06 if I was counting right. I did ten more box jumps so 19:54?

  12. 16:05 as Rx'd

    My HSPUps were pretty weak. Not all the way to the floor and I did a lot of step ups on that tire (which is over 20" by the way) but it was definitely a good WOD. My abs are sore today.
