Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WOD - 20111012

How do you think he got them up there...with a partner!!!

You + 1

2min each station, 10 sec rotation time...

Wall - Balls 20#/14#
KB Swings 24#/16#
Burpees - Body weight..sorry no scale!
Ring Dips
Tire Flips - Lady's...look up!
Ball Slams - 40#/30#

Score is combined max reps.
You can alternate or go at the same time.
Partners choosen by hat drawing.
No need to go in order

0600 - start at 0625, names picked at 0615...late arrivals go solo!
1630 - Start at 1655, names picked at 1645.

Post times, scaling and any your language of choice!!


  1. Tony, you are definitely from South Texas...but I can tell you haven't lived there for a long time because you actually used straps.

  2. Morning WOD with Phil H: WB-48, PU-32, KB-53, Burpee-34, RD-28, SU-75, TF-26, BS-44 for a 340 total. Great job Phil!

    Afternoon WOD with Mary (aka the British Sensation): WB-53, PU-37, KB-47, Burpee-26, RD-45, SU-83, TF-31, BS-52 for a 374 total. Thanks Mary!

  3. With JESS.(AkA Jenni Orr).. 441 as RxD

  4. You all did great. I really thought this was a good/fun WOD! Way to go to everyone. And yes, Jess you are a monster of a beast :)

  5. 375 in the AM with Tre and 381 in the PM with Chile. Great WOD and great work ladies

  6. I can't remember what our final number was. 379? Something like that! Great job ROYAL! He carried us through those tire flips! :)
    Jen R

  7. I think our final number was 441 with Trent...loved this WOD i did modify my RD to the parallel bars Trent rocked the rings though :)!! ohh and it is Trent right :/

  8. Eric and I got 414. I scaled RD with red band and Eric did it Rx. AWESOME WOD!
