Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WOD - 20111027

SUPER will be missed!!

Quality time with your PVC!

Clean and Jerk

"TABATA your ass off" - Super K8

8 rounds of each, only rest allowed is moving to next one...10secs

KBs 24#/16#
Wall-Balls 20#/14#
Double Unders

Shoulder Mobility
Ben's Hammy Band

CFMHQ 0600 and 1630

Post time, comments, or your fair well wishes to SuperK8!!


  1. Tony Says:

    Great Job this mornining ladies, and guys rocked was truly amazing to see you guys push thru. Everyone did great. Your numbers we're on the board and I think Fathia took a photo of it.

  2. I believe Tre too. I'll post it on fb soon.

  3. Phil - KBs 77, Squats - 43 (had to leave for work)

    Tre - KBs 67, squats 111, WBs 56, Single jumpropes 177

    Jen - KBs 85, Sq 136, WBs 70, DU 54

    Fathia - KBs 74, sq 156, WBs 67, DU 152

    Cristy - KBs 85, sq 107, WBs 63, DU 79

  4. Wow I feel like I should have knocked out a ton more squats had some problems with the timing I think lost almost a whole set only got 6 on it!!

    KB-69, WB-68, Squats 76, DU-67 (did a bunch of singles but didn't count em)

    Stephan for his first time did great... KB-59, WB-67, squats 75, single jump ropes 133

    - Jill

  5. thanks for posting that Tre! I really appreciate it! :) And great job today everyone! I'm so sore, I'm having a hard time making it up and down the stairs! hee hee ha! Thanks Tony for cheering us on (and keeping us in line! :)) and keeping track of our numbers!

  6. I had to modify a bit due to thumb injury. Box Jumps for Wall Balls, Sit-ups for Kettlebells.
    Squats - 86, Box - 52, SU - 68, DU - 31 (I'm still working on these, should have just done singles)

  7. Kate - you will be greatly missed but I hope you have a fabulous time. Be sure to send some sunshine our way!
